Class Fee Review
Changes from 1st October 22
Individual Class Per person: £7.50
Karateka 1 class per week: £30 per month*
Ninja Unlimited classes: £50 per month
Online Classes payable weekly: £6 per login
*Irrespective of the length of the month
All Classes can be booked online.
For Karateka and Ninja our preferred method of payment is by BACS please, bank details are
Santander MAFL ACC: 18023680 Sort Code: 09-01-55
Please use students name as a reference.
We will no longer charge an annual membership fee; insurance and admin costs will be covered by class fees.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or one of my team who will be happy to help.
Kind Regards
Master McKenna